The Cloud Migration Checklist You Need to Know

By: Sean Cummings

November 7, 2022

The Cloud Migration Checklist You Need to Know

When your organization is considering modernizing its applications, cloud migration services are often the key element of the process.

From cost reduction to lower running costs, to make the switch with the fewest hassles and avoid data loss, it’s helpful to follow a migration checklist. Creating an effective plan for cloud migration includes factors that should always be considered.

In this post, we’ll cover four of the factors every solid migration checklist should include.

Successful Cloud Migration Checklist

To be sure you’ll get the most from your cloud service provider, it’s important to map out the cloud journey. A quality migration team will do this for you, but here are some of the key checklist items for a smooth transition into cloud computing.

One – Choose Your Cloud Adoption Level

When composing a pre-migration plan for moving applications from a local data center to a cloud infrastructure, a couple of options exist—a shallow cloud integration or a deep cloud integration.

Shallow Cloud Integration

Shallow cloud integrations entail moving an on-premises application to the cloud with few changes to the servers you instantiate to run the application—sometimes this is called lift and shift.

Application changes are only what’s necessary for it to run in the new environment, and cloud-unique services aren’t implemented.

Deep Cloud Integrations

Conversely, you can choose deep cloud integration. This entails modifying an application during the migration process to maximize cloud capabilities.

Sometimes this is as simple as adding auto-scaling and dynamic load-balancing features, or it could be as complicated as using serverless computing to run certain elements of the application.

Two – Single Cloud Provider or Multiple Providers?

You can choose to optimize your application to run with a single cloud provider, which can save on cost and complexity. However, there are some downsides to this approach, like vendor lock-in and a higher risk of service interruptions.

The other option is taking a multi-cloud approach, which runs some applications with one cloud provider and others with another provider. This lowers risk and increases the flexibility of choice to switch to different cloud resources in the future.

Three – Review Application Resource Allocation

One key benefit of migration is dynamic cloud capabilities for resource allocation. If your cloud environment is static, you won’t get the most from the cloud’s capabilities.

Instead, a data migration plan should focus on redistributing resources for your application. This will deliver far more data resilience along with increased stability for your business operations.

Four – Key Performance Indicators

Using key performance indicators (KPIs) for your cloud migration will keep you informed about the progress. It can help reveal hidden complications that could spell trouble later, along with providing a clear indication of completion.

Some common KPI categories for this purpose include user experience (UX), application performance, infrastructure, and business engagement.

Experts in Cloud Migrations

Cloud migration services from Laminar Consulting make moving applications from your own data center to the cloud a stress-free experience.

Our team of cloud services experts will develop a detailed cloud migration plan to get started on the right foot. We’ll also ensure a trouble-free experience post-migration.

Whether you need to support dynamic scaling or simply need disaster recovery protection, Laminar has you covered. For a free initial consultation, email us at or contact us at 888-531-9995 at Laminar Consulting today!

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