The Benefits of Augmented Reality for Employee Training

By: Sean Cummings

October 24, 2022

The Benefits of Augmented Reality for Employee Training

The continuous advancement of technology has resulted in the development of many useful tools for the workplace. These tools have a diverse range of applications and the list is constantly growing. Augmented reality (AR) is one technology making a significant contribution to society.

The ways to utilize augmented reality training solutions are becoming increasingly accessible, and this tool for the workplace can provide numerous valuable benefits. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how your company can benefit from training your employees using this exciting new technology.

What is Augmented Reality?

AR is the modification of the real world rather than the creation of a completely virtual one. There are three defining features of AR. These include the real-time combination of virtual and reality with an accurate three-dimensional registration of these worlds. 

One major plus when it comes to AR is that the hardware needed to make it work is already available on many everyday mobile devices. Most cell phones, for example, have processors, accelerometers, cameras, and displays that enable the technology.

So what are the application possibilities and their potential benefits for businesses?

Benefits of AR to Employee Training

There is a wide range of reasons to consider an augmented reality training solution for your business. Each can deliver improved efficiency, cost savings, and reduced learning times while producing better final results.

Scenario Training

Physically placing trainees in environments that are high-risk or costly can greatly limit the growth of a company. Instead of shouldering the financial risks of certain training scenarios, augmented reality makes it possible to achieve a high level of learning in a zero-risk environment. 

For example, 3D models of any type of object can be virtually placed in a room or upon a surface using augmented reality technology. This enables employees in training to interact with objects to get a realistic sense of what to expect when encountering the same types of challenges in the real world.

Manufacturing Benefits

When it comes to manufacturing, AR technology can enable real-time, step-by-step instruction from trainers for useful feedback. One example of an application of this technology is underwater welding, which is high-risk in relation to time spent practicing skills.

Even better, collaboration with other trainees is possible through compatible hardware devices and software, further enhancing the learning process.

Retail Benefits of AR

Another example of how AR can help spur business success through better training is in the retail space. AR can help employees more easily access training about certain products by simply scanning them with a mobile device. And onboarding processes demand far fewer resources when using AR enhancements.

Learning the key spaces of the sales floor and getting acquainted with the rest of the team is just a couple of examples. From sales to safety procedures, retail companies can grow faster using AR for training.

Medicine Training with AR

Finally, the medical field is seeing significant benefits from utilizing AR technology for training. In this field, gaining hands-on experience often presents life-altering risk levels. AR helps remove this hurdle to learning, allowing medical students to gain much-needed practice for surgery.

Hire Laminar Consulting for The Best AR Custom Application Development Services

Turn to Laminar when your organization demands an exceptional augmented reality training solution. Our expert development consultants understand how to translate the key needs of your business scenario into effective solutions that can help you achieve your goals. 

To learn more about implementing AR technology in your training programs, email us at or contact us at 888-531-9995 at Laminar Consulting today!

Augmented Reality Training FAQs 

Is augmented reality training right for you?

If your training involves high levels of risk or prohibitively expensive logistics, augmented reality training is ideal. To get a better idea if AR makes sense for your business, contact the Laminar team today.

How does augmented reality work in training?

Augmented reality is mostly deployed using a tablet like an iPad to help users view virtual objects within the real-world environment they’re working within. This is one of the leading benefits of AR training, as it’s considerably cost-effective.

Is it worth hiring a custom application development service for AR training?

When it comes to AR training, there’s no smarter way to develop software than a custom solution from Laminar. That’s because our consultants always take the time to ensure the most efficient development process and final product quality.

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