Laminar Consulting provides BPM software development services for mid to large companies so they can more effectively manage their business processes for greater operational efficiency. Whether you need a custom solution or help with integrating your systems, Laminar has the experience to execute on your goals.

BPM Development Services

The development team at Laminar Consulting has the experience necessary to build a custom BPM system that provides the functionality your company requires for achieving your business goals however big they may be.

We can develop a wide range of applications that assist with the management and optimization of your company’s business processes. These apps can greatly improve operational efficiency along with reducing the occurrences of human errors that can cost the company tens of thousands of dollars.

Just a few of the BPM software services Laminar Consulting provides include:

Benefits of BPM Software

BPM software can help organizations lower their costs and increase operational efficiency in many areas of the business. This often leads to increased revenue and growth rates for companies. For everything from improved communications across teams to more business process transparency, BPM software helps deliver improved competitive advantages day in and day out.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is BPM Software?

Business process management (BPM) software systems are enterprise-level solutions that help automate redundancies and repetitive tasks, manage essential processing tasks, and improve process logic. BPM systems aim to optimize and accelerate processes across the organization for greater overall efficiency.

Why Should You Consider BPM Software?

Without software to track, measure, and optimize business processes, leadership teams are left wandering in the dark and grabbing at straws for solutions to inefficiencies. In fact, it’s been reported that inefficient processes cost organizations on average 20 to 30% in lost revenues each and every year. Gaining key insight into the processes affecting revenue streams and profitability can mean millions in added value for a company.

Common Problems BPMS Can Solve

Inconsistent execution of business processes

Even the processes are ineffective if they aren’t consistently followed by all team members in the organization. Without consistent processes, it can be nearly impossible for an organization to identify how and where to improve.

Poor communication around processes

Ensuring processes are being carried out effectively requires a clear line of communication amongst teams and management. With tools like tagging, commenting, and messaging, a well-designed BPMS empowers employees to better communicate about the processes they follow.

Reducing Human Error

Anytime humans are involved, mistakes can happen. When processing large volumes of data, accuracy is crucial. No doubt, bad data comes with a high price, costing U.S. companies an average total of $3 trillion per year (Harvard Business Review). A well-planned BPMS can automate processes that have a high potential for human error, potentially saving companies millions over time.

How Can You Choose The Best BPM Tool?

There are a variety of ways to choose the best BPM tool for your needs. Many off-the-shelf programs are available, but when your company needs a system that’s tailor-made for your unique business processes and systems, a software developer like Laminar can build a BPMS that’s well-aligned with your business goals.

How Much Is Custom BPMS Development? 

While customizing a BPMS certainly isn’t a minor cost, developing a BPMS that’s specific to your existing processes may be worth the investment. For many companies, the cost of developing the software will be far outweighed by the recuperation of revenue lost to poor processes. Contact Laminar today for a quote and learn how much you could recover in lost profits.

Laminar Consulting offers a sweeping range of custom web application development services for businesses with specialized needs. From initial concept development to QA testing, we have the experience necessary to make your project come to life!

Web Application Development Services

We have the team and skills to build web applications that are entirely customized to your specific business needs. We’ve been providing custom web app development solutions for businesses across different industry domains for many years, so when you need help finding a way to bring your web application ideas to fruition, give us a call!

Front-End Web Development

Laminar Consulting’s front-end web development solutions is based on our unmatched expertise in Angular, React JS, Vue, and .JS. This expertise empowers our team to deliver some of today’s most stunning UI/UX designs combined with powerful functionality. Our team of developers has successfully implemented front-end web development for clients in a wide range of industries. 

Back-End Web Development

With over five years of experience in developing custom web apps for companies, our team has honed its expertise in creating complex customized back-end solutions that make a way when it doesn’t seem possible. Laminar Consulting leverages various back-end programming languages, libraries, and frameworks to get the job done, including languages such as:

Frequently Asked Questions About Web App Development

What Is Custom Web Application Development?

Custom Web App Development involves many processes to build web-based applications that run in the cloud, including designing, developing, and testing these applications.

Web applications feature interactive and dynamic pages that run within an internet browser. A web app developer utilizes code and graphic design to display content online or on an embedded device that’s running a web browser, allowing personalization of the experience for individual visitors.

A database can be created from previous website visits, purchases made in-store, or by first-time visitors signing up through registration forms. By gathering various data sets like name, contact details, and email ID to create their account for login credentials, personalization is made possible.

What Is The Best Language For Web Application Development? 

There’s no clear answer since each language was created for specific purposes, so largely this will depend on the end-user’s needs and/or existing systems within the company. When it comes to web development, C#, .Net Core, Java, PHP, and JavaScript are some of the most commonly used programming languages for development. Our development team can help you select an appropriate tech stack to meet your unique business needs if you don’t already have them in place.

Laminar Consulting specializes in Microsoft systems and languages such as .Net Core, which is Microsoft’s move toward Open Source. While we are focused mainly on Microsoft technologies, we can develop web apps based on open source technologies as well.

How Long Does It Take To Develop A Web Application?

The first step in developing a web application project is learning the specific business objectives at hand. Every project has different requirements, and here at Laminar Consulting, we pride ourselves on being able to create the best product for you based on your precise requirements. 

If you’re interested in working with our team, contact us today and one of our specialists will provide you with a timeframe estimate right away!

How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Web Application?

The best way to find out how much your project will cost is by speaking with our team to zero-in on exactly what needs you are looking to meet. Our web development specialists can help determine estimates of the total investment required based on our years of experience in the industry.

How Do You Choose A Tech Stack For Web Application Development?

Usually, the decision about what technology stack is utilized for the project will be dictated by the client’s existing systems. If the company is of a decent size, they’ve usually already gone down a particular tech road, and we’re happy to accommodate these scenarios.

Turn To The Experts In Custom Web Application Development

When you need an experienced custom web application development company, look no further than Laminar Consulting. We provide innovative solutions for businesses in all sorts of industries. Call us today at 888-531-9995 to learn how we can help you!

Customize Your Desktop Applications

Laminar Consulting has deep experience in developing desktop software applications for various operating systems such as macOS, Windows, and Linux. Whatever your desktop app customization needs, we’ve got you covered.

Desktop Application Development Services

Laminar Consulting has a development team that’s ready to help you out with complete end-to-end development of your next desktop application. We have both the experience and the resources to get your project off the ground and carry out the development from start to finish.

Depending on the size of your project, we can utilize dedicated development teams or even just individual developers as needed. Once your desktop application development is completed, we use the latest tools and techniques to thoroughly test your application from top-to-bottom. 

Cross-platform Desktop App Development

The team at Laminar Consulting has numerous years of experience in developing multi-platform desktop apps for macOS X, Windows, and Linux. 

We help empower our clients with new functionality for their desktop hardware, increasing the value of the systems they’ve already invested capital into. Often, existing desktop software serves the majority of needs well and simply needs a couple of capabilities added. In these cases, Laminar can help you determine whether or not a totally new application is necessary or if some added functionality will do. 

Whichever approach is the most sensible, we have an experienced desktop app development team to handle the job.

Device Drivers Development

Laminar also has a team of software engineers and programmers who specialize in lower-level programming languages, including device drivers development. Our team has the wide-ranging experience to implement whatever various features your project may require to achieve your desired outcomes. When your desktop applications need driver support development, Laminar has you covered!

MS Office 365 Development

Laminar Consulting offers modern distributed workforce solutions that leverage the power and security of MS Office 365 so your team can collaborate securely no matter where they’re working from.

The Laminar MS Office 365 development team has the tools, services, and proven methodology to help you rapidly transform your current unified communications and collaboration (UCC) workloads to fully take advantage of Microsoft Cloud.

FAQs About Custom Desktop App Development

What Is Desktop Application Development?

A desktop application is a software program that runs on a physical computer in your office to perform specific tasks, unlike SaaS software that runs on remote servers in the cloud.

Some desktop apps, such as word editors and media players, allow you to perform multiple tasks while others are developed for pure entertainment, such as gaming apps. The main benefit of desktop apps is they don’t require an internet connection to work, enabling more secure transmission of data within a local organization along with more stability.

A key goal at Laminar is helping our clients optimize their existing desktop applications for maximum speed and scalability while adding more business functionality.

What Is The Best Programming Language For Desktop Applications?

Like all software development, the best programming language depends primarily on what is convenient and suitable for the client’s business needs. Much of the time, our clients already have some applications or systems in place that will dictate which programming language makes the most sense to implement.

The good news is, Laminar’s team of programming experts has the flexibility and adaptability to work on whatever current technology your business may be running on. When you reach out to us for an initial consultation, we can help you choose the most effective programming language if you’re unsure.

Is The Desktop Application Becoming Obsolete?

Desktop application development is still very much alive. Still, it’s easy to find rumors that the desktop operating system is dying out and will not be relevant in future generations. 

The reality, however, is that software technology systems have yet to reach a point where they can deliver the powerful functionality of applications like AutoCAD or PhotoShop completely on the cloud for professional users. 

For example, while Adobe has gone to more of a SaaS model for access to its product suite that includes PhotoShop, users are still required to download the apps to the hard drive of their computer for full tool capabilities.

The Experience To Find Solutions That Work For Your Business

Laminar Consulting provides expert custom desktop application development for Windows, Linux, and macOS. Whether you need complete end-to-end desktop app development or simply adding functionality, our team has the experience to deliver flawlessly. Contact Laminar today about your desktop app customization project!

Custom Mobile Applications

We offer a full range of mobile application design, integration, and management services. Whether you need a consumer-oriented app or an enterprise-class solution, the Laminar Consulting team can lead the entire mobile app development process from ideation and concept creation to delivery and testing, along with ongoing support for your mobile app.

Mobile Application Development Services

Laminar Consulting creates high-functioning mobile apps that are designed to help companies grow and expand. We offer a full suite of services for every mobile platform, including Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. Our mobile app developers know what it takes to build the perfect solution for you that’s right the first time. The skilled team of developers at Laminar can create a custom app that will boost your business and help you better meet market demands!

iOS App Development

Laminar Consulting has a team of iOS app developers with deep experience working with native SDK. The various skill sets we possess enables us to create solutions for many different types of iOS-enabled products, including Apple Watch, Apple TV, and other mobile devices that operate within the Objective-C development environment as well as the Swift programming language.

Android App Development

Laminar also offers a range of services for Android App Development. Our complete consulting service will ensure that your Android application serves exactly the roles you need.

Our team will work with you every step of the way—from conceptualization, design, and development all the way through the final testing phases. Our goal is to create an app that’s optimized for both UX and functionality. 

We can even provide custom solutions for businesses looking for solutions different from generic apps as well!

Hybrid App Development

As a full-service mobile application development company, we work with an array of technologies to deliver robustly functional hybrid app solutions for our clients. 

Our mobile engineering team is skilled in developing apps that are as elegant and gorgeous on the inside as they appear outside, blending existing web-based systems with expertly-tailored code specifically designed to work across systems.

Cross-Platform Mobile Development

The development team at Laminar Consulting has deep expertise in using HTML5 and JavaScript, Qt, along with flexible and powerful methodologies for cross-platform app development. 

We are experienced with Xamarin (a .NET Framework-oriented platform) as well as a number of different platforms that support the process of developing applications that will be used on more than one operating system, such as Appcelerator or Cordova.

Mobile App Development FAQs

What is Mobile App Development? 

Mobile application development is a process in which code, assets, and other resources are combined to create software applications that can run on mobile devices without using a web browser.

There are many steps involved when developing mobile apps, including backend services such as data access through API implementation, along with testing out the final product on target devices before releasing them into the market. At Lamincar Consulting, we can help you every step of the way when developing a custom mobile application. 

Why Develop Custom Mobile Applications? 

Mobile apps can be a great tool for any business for a wide range of use cases. From employee portals to customer loyalty programs to product search capabilities, there are innumerable benefits to creating and distributing a mobile app.

Whatever reason you may have, our team of developers will work with you to develop a mobile app that is perfectly aligned with your overall objectives. 

How Is A Mobile App Developed?

The development process for a mobile app includes several key stages: 

Companies often have a specific approach to mobile app development, but there are some general aspects that they all share in common, such as quality assurance testing before deployment and maintenance after deployment. The Laminar team will guide you throughout every deployment stage. 

Will You Provide Documentation For My Custom Mobile App?

Upon the completion of a project, we transfer all intellectual property rights for code along with full documentation to our clients. We document every detail meticulously with detailed records for our clients to easily reference.

How Long Does It Take To Develop A Mobile App?

We’re confident that we can produce a solution that will go above and beyond your expectations. Of course, when it comes to custom mobile app development, this means every project has a unique timeline. When you reach out to our team for an initial consultation, we can provide you with an estimate for the time it will take for your solution to be delivered as a fully-functioning mobile app.

Your Mobile App Development Solution

We are a software development company that offers streamlined custom mobile app development of native iOS and Android, hybrid, and cross-platform applications. Call Laminar Consulting today to learn what solutions are possible for your business!

.NET Development

When your enterprise needs .NET application development, Laminar Consulting has the .NET development team with the technology stack expertise your project demands. Whether you need .NET web or desktop application development, the seasoned engineers at Laminar have you covered from top to bottom.

.NET Development Services

Laminar provides mid to large companies with custom, reliable, top-quality .NET solutions no matter the industry. As a .NET development company with a proven track record of exceptional work, we have the experience to determine the perfect multitier, microservice, and cloud-based architecture types to ensure the needs of a particular application are completely satisfied.

Our team can create integrations for enterprise legacy systems such as SAP R/3, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Siebel, SalesForce, and more.

.NET Application Development Services

Laminar Consulting delivers the best .NET software development services, including:

.Net Web Development

The web development team at Laminar Consulting designs, develops, and deploys highly cost-effective and reliable .NET solutions. Whatever your goals and needs are in your mid to large business, our team has you covered. From eCommerce to education, we can provide your organization with custom .NET web development services.

.Net Desktop Development

Laminar’s experience empowers us to build custom solutions for the Microsoft Windows platform, including system extensions, addins, and plugins for Outlook. We can create custom desktop software solutions for everything from enterprises to rapidly scaling start-ups.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What Is A .Net Framework And How Is It Used?

The .NET Framework is a programming platform that runs on Windows. .NET helps software developers more easily build a variety of digital solutions. Some of the main applications for implementing the .NET Framework include web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps, games, cloud apps, and Internet of Things. 

Where Is .Net Used?

.NET is used to develop powerful desktop, mobile, and web applications. This framework is often chosen for developing complex enterprise-scale projects. Additionally, projects requiring cross-platform compatibility lend themselves well to .NET development methods. Finally, .NET can be used for cloud development, such as systems that utilize AWS, Google, and Azure services.

Is .Net Cross-Platform?

.NET is a cross-platform development framework that can be used for creating everything from websites to servers to console apps for Windows, Linux, and macOS devices.

C# Development Services

Laminar delivers expert strategies and solutions when you need help with applications that run on C#. Minimizing downtime and operational costs through better software is our mission, and when it comes to this popular Microsoft programming language, we have a proven track record.

The development team at Laminar Consulting has the Microsoft technology stack expertise to tackle your project demands, especially when it comes to C#. When you need to modify or integrate different systems in your business, the seasoned engineers at Laminar can help you select the ideal technical solution for your objectives.

When your enterprise needs C# development services, the team at Laminar Consulting is here to deliver an exceptional end result. Our seasoned experts in С# development build top-notch solutions whether it’s for Windows, Linux, and even macOS platforms.

Benefits of Developing In The C# Programming Language

C# programming is a highly popular Microsoft language for numerous reasons, which is why it’s so widely utilized across many industries. So what are some of the primary benefits of using this language?

Incredibly Scalable And Reliable

Reliable software relies on easy-to-maintain and scalable programming languages. C# is known as a programming language with these attributes, which is why it’s so popular. The rigid nature of the static coding in C# makes programs using this language consistent, reliable performers for many types of business applications. C# enables developers to make easy adjustments for a smooth maintenance experience for the organizations that rely on them.

If your business has an older project written in C#, the good news is, your stack has remained the same. Over the years, the processes of implementation may have changed, but everything still runs on the same essential principles, which translates to savings on development costs both now and in the future.

Rapid Development Cycles

One of the leading advantages of the C# programming language is how much it saves on development time, and hence, costs for the organizations that need them to operate. So what are some of the attributes of C# that reduce development time and costs?

С# Development Services

Laminar Consulting leverages the C# programming language to develop desktop applications, web applications, and web services. We also use C# for large-scale Microsoft apps.

C# Development Technologies And Tools

С# Development Solutions For Multiple Industries

Manufacturing Solutions

Laminar’s expert C# developers have extensive experience with creating complex yet reliable solutions for manufacturing. Improve your procurement processes and boost production rates, along with gaining far deeper insights through comprehensive reporting systems and detailed reporting.

Healthcare Solutions

Cross-platform healthcare applications are possible with the C# programming language. Other applications include animal hospitals and veterinary services.

Construction Solutions

If you’ve ever seen a large-scale construction project, there’s a good chance it’s being managed using systems that rely on C#. Laminar’s development team has experience with C# for the construction industry, and can help you perfect the timely access to information whether on the jobsite, in the office, or dealing with suppliers.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What Is The C# Programming Language Used For?

C# is most commonly used to develop desktop applications, web applications, and web services, along with creating applications based on Microsoft technologies at a large scale. These applications help run organizations from healthcare to construction to manufacturing, and are even used in the development of games.

How Is C# Different From C++?

The primary difference between C++ and C# is that C++ is an object-oriented language, while C# is a component-oriented programming language.

Another difference is that C# compiles to CLR, which requires interpreting by ASP.NET, whereas C++ compiles into machine code directly.

Finally, C++ requires manual memory management, while C# has the ability to run on a virtual machine that automatically handles memory management tasks for you.

What Industries Use C#?

C# is often used to develop desktop applications, web applications, and web services. C# is also used when developing applications based on Microsoft technologies for large-scale systems. The C# programming language is used everywhere, from healthcare to construction, and is even used in gaming.

As a leading global custom application development company, Laminar provides scalable and secure end-to-end technology solutions.

Our development services are executed by a team of engineers, designers, and visionaries that revel in developing creative solutions that deliver better-than-expected custom applications for enterprises in diverse industry verticals.

Today’s digital world is rapidly changing, and businesses that leverage custom software development will gain a competitive edge. To provide some perspective, the global custom application development services market is expected to grow by almost $27 billion from 2020-2024.

What Is Custom Software Development?

Our custom software development starts by gaining a complete picture of the business requirements so we can efficiently design an application through rapid implementation, testing, and deployment.

We engage key stakeholders as part of the development process, utilizing an Agile Project Approach to collaborate most effectively and efficiently. Transparency in all our processes involves everyone to ensure accountability of outcomes.

At Laminar, we design and develop custom solutions for our customers, including desktop applications, mobile applications, and web applications. We are a team of experts that work to improve and integrate enhanced features into our customers’ existing applications that increase productivity and improve revenue streams.

Our custom application development services include:

Digital transformation and cutting-edge technologies are accelerating at an unprecedented pace. Many off-the-shelf applications simply can’t keep up with business needs and rapid scaling.

Mobile Apps

The rising prevalence of remote work and distributed workforces has created a massive surge in businesses and organizations that need to adapt their systems with mobile solutions.

The most successful customized solutions improve mobile functionality. Organizations that empower their users and staff with either dedicated mobile apps or responsive web design are realizing greater productivity and efficiency, saving them time and money.

At Laminar, our software projects target your specific business needs. Our dedicated team will help identify any technological gaps or opportunities to create mobile apps and responsive web designs that exponentially improve workflows and operational efficiency.

What Advantages Does Laminar Deliver On Every Custom Application Development Project?

Laminar uses an Agile Project Approach to deliver custom-made advantages that compel businesses to form long-term relationships with us. Today, keeping up with the demands of an increasingly digital workforce is the key to a competitive edge. Through the latest innovative technology, we can help you maintain this edge year after year.

Competitive Advantage

Gaining a technological advantage over the competition gives our clients the upper hand in terms of efficiency and effectiveness, reducing operational costs and improving team morale.

The businesses that act first to meet the needs and demands of their team are quick to adapt their applications for more accessible, intuitive, and organized workflows.

Competitive Advantage

Automating repetitive processes to eliminate redundancies is our strong suit. By streamlining business processes through custom applications, our clients can significantly boost their organizational efficiency.

We help empower our clients’ teams to focus more on high-value, rewarding work and less on redundant task work. Automating redundant processes helps reduce errors and increases the overall quality of outcomes for multiple stakeholders.


Scalability is a primary factor in our consideration of potential solutions. We design custom applications that scale in tandem with companies.

At Laminar, our custom application development team believes in developing a long-term relationship with our clients. As your future needs shift, we’re always ready to implement the changes necessary for your company to grow.

Laminar excels at client engagement and support. After all, helping you achieve your business goals and growth targets is our mission. We believe a development company should be your partner in scaling to success.


For us to deliver seamless compatibility, we start by deeply engaging with our clients to assimilate a solid understanding of their technology stack.

We build around existing tech and collaborate with clients to identify the best technology for each unique project to integrate with their current stack neatly. We always keep compatibility top-of-mind to ensure our clients’ custom software seamlessly integrates with their existing infrastructure.

With completely off-the-shelf software, sometimes integration with other applications is a struggle. Well-tested custom application solutions can ensure compatibility by building interfaces that allow for the unfettered transfer of data between systems.

And, if starting from scratch to build a new application is the most appropriate angle of attack, our team can custom-build a precise solution for your use case.

Laminar’s Collaborative Development Process

Our collaborative step-by-step process has been honed over years of hands-on experience as software developers. Our skilled team is well-versed in the latest possibilities that can solve your needs.

Our industry experts manage and minimize risks when handling projects. Our team’s technical and vertical expertise in the latest development trends ensures reliable service.

We’ve completed a wide array of projects that provided powerful solutions to client software challenges.

First, our software development team hashes out exactly what your business goals are, discussing your needs and vision. Together, we develop a plan that brings your vision into crystal clear focus.

Second, we research your current technology and user needs. Through discovery and prototyping, we’ll develop a roadmap and product hypothesis.

Third, utilizing the Agile Project Approach ensures regular improvement because we follow the application development life cycle with each of our clients’ custom application development.

Many companies utilize a one-and-done method, creating web applications without testing or user feedback. Our iterative process involves a continuous cycle of prototyping, testing, and making adjustments.

This feedback helps us determine what elements are working as intended and which ones require tweaking.  We catch potential problems early in the design process, saving our clients costly redesign work.

Fourth, we continue to test, refine, and test again. Through user testing, we continue to improve the usability and design to provide an exceptional user experience.

We utilize different testing methods like unit testing, where our developer does an initial screening—this phase is considered the initial pass.

Test planning and test cases are conducted to determine if the software is bug-free and to ensure it adequately solves the business problem.

Integration testing takes place to ensure the enhancement made to existing software won’t break any existing code.

Smoke testing is light testing that’s performed to identify small changes to make within an existing app.

Next, user acceptance testing puts the software in front of a small number of power users to run it through their tests.

Once the application passes all phases of testing, it’s ready to launch!

Fifth, we collaborate with your internal team to ensure a smooth transition and provide ongoing support.

Through our post-production support, we provide our clients with continued application enhancements as needed. We can also guide them through the transitioning process of the application to their internal support team.

Different Technologies Used In the Development Process

XR Development

Using Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), our application development team can merge the physical world with the virtual world. The end result is web apps and mobile custom apps that create unparalleled user experiences.

This type of technology is transforming the retail sector by allowing clients to experience consumer products before they are purchased. At Laminar, we can deploy these same technologies to solve specific business needs in unique and innovative ways.

Workflow Automation

Automating tasks that are repetitive leads to faster and more consistent results. Automated testing enables a continuous testing workflow during development. Every part of the codebase is tested on a regular basis.

Data Reporting and Basic Analytics

Data reporting and basic analytics help businesses and software applications make sense of the huge amounts of data filtering through multiple channels through predictive capabilities and visualizations.

Incorporating these methods into applications is a game-changer for businesses looking to scale rapidly.

Artificial Intelligence

As a custom app development company, we utilize AI to transform web applications. Many industries and clients around the globe seek AI-enabled solutions to develop the business applications that will take them to the next level, whether in productivity, consumer insight, or product innovation.

Using different technologies such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing enables rapid prototyping, analytics, data automation, early error detection, and smart programming that identifies design loopholes and maximizes risk assessments.

Why Businesses Choose Laminar

Some of our clients turn to Laminar because they simply don’t have the skillset to build the particular solution they need. Other clients of ours are lacking the bandwidth to take on the project because their team is busy supporting and enhancing what they already have.

While we are a technology firm that’s deeply rooted in advanced processes, we will always remain people-first in practice. We always make sure our client’s investments in technology pay off, which is why we’ve developed so many long-term relationships that we consider client partners. 

We don’t just work with our clients—we closely collaborate on their ideas and visions, bringing them to life as seamlessly functioning solutions.

We adapt and deliver as client needs change, and we empower them with cutting-edge technology that’s efficient, user-friendly, and aligns perfectly with their specific business needs.

At Laminar, we subscribe to the Agile Project Approach. This methodology was created by innovative technologists 20 years ago and is based on four principles that are cornerstones of our process that we attribute much of our success to.

The team at Laminar has what it takes to concept and develop your ideal custom application, leveraging our expertise with the latest technology stacks.

For a free project consultation, schedule a call with the team at Laminar today.

Angular Development Services

Laminar Consulting regularly uses the Angular framework for clients who need easily updated, web-based solutions. When your organization needs a development team with deep experience in leveraging the abilities of Angular, contact Laminar.

Leverage Laminar’s Angular Expertise For Your Enterprise

Angular is a development platform that easily scales from single-developer projects to enterprise-level applications. Because Angular is purpose-built to make updating as straightforward as possible, organizations can benefit from the latest developments without having to incur considerable costs. 

One of the best aspects of this framework is that the Angular ecosystem is made up of a wide-ranging group of over 1.7 million developers, library authors, and content creators. This breadth of contribution means there are countless resources for numerous industry applications.

At Laminar, we leverage the Angular framework for development when the business objectives align well with the capabilities. As seasoned experts at developing complex web solutions based on a wide range of technologies relying on the Angular framework, we have a track record of utilizing Angular for a wide array of needs. What are some examples?

ERP Solutions 

Laminar Consulting has a leading team of developers that have a wide range of experience with integrating business systems with ERP solutions for mid to large enterprises.

Procurement Systems 

Automate your procurement processes with the help of Laminar’s expert development team.

SPA Development

Laminar Consulting has a proven track record of developing single-page applications for enterprises spanning many different types of industries. Because SPA involves only one page working within a browser, the page only needs to load once, with all the core elements remaining while the dynamic content changes based on user actions. Hence, SPA enables far faster load times than traditional web apps.

Merits Of Implementing Angular

There are many merits of utilizing Angular, making it one of the most popular frameworks for developing custom web apps today. By leveraging Angular, developers can help ensure solid web-based performance across platforms.

Because Angular is open-source with a vast number of contributors that are continually increasing the size of an already massive library, this framework for development is constantly being forged ahead. Angular also has loads of features built-in that don’t require complex installations.

Yet another benefit of Angular is that exclusive use for client-side frameworks is possible, enabling easy project integration without major back-end modifications.

Finally, Angular is developed with the principles of testing at the forefront, helping to deliver faster web development overall and fewer issues later down the line.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What Is Angular Software Development?

Angular is a software development platform that empowers developers with tools to build large, dependable, and robust mobile apps. One of the key merits of Angular is that using it to build apps ensures they’ll work across all platforms, from web to mobile to desktop.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Angular?

What Are The Best Cases For Using The Angular Framework?

Laminar leverages Angular to build enterprise-level web apps. By using Angular, we can help you benefit from enhanced quality control on your large-scale project development.

Angular is perfect for when you need dynamic web apps for multiple kinds of environments. One example of this is when you need the content and some components to be displayed according to whoever is accessing and consuming information on the system via the web.

Angular is also ideal for companies and organizations that deal with content that dynamically changes based on user behavior and preferences. 

Finally, with Angular 13, our developers can empower your organization with modern web platform capabilities that deliver app-like experiences. This, all while enjoying high performance, offline, and zero-step installation.

Test, monitor, and maintain, and then repeat—these are the cornerstones of exceptional quality assurance services. Top-performing software QA services require skilled certified QA testers that understand how to increase the quality of the product and the experience of the user in order to compete in today’s ever-evolving market.

Good is no longer good enough.

Achieving exceptional experiences requires managed testing services that refine software through innovative QA and best practices. Our QA testing focuses on ensuring that our customers’ software is not just glitch-free but also aligns with their business goals and end-user demands.

Our experienced team of QA testers has a deep understanding of the product development process that results in best-in-class outcomes.

No matter the platform, we’ve got you covered.

Functional Testing

Our quality assurance experts focus on ensuring software functionality before it enters production. To accomplish this, we analyze conformance and ensure the product meets the requirements, along with managing defects. All this adds up to fewer errors later in the development cycle.

Our functional testing services cover the full spectrum of testing activities and quality assessment.

Interface, Regression, & Usability Testing

Interface testing ensures end user functionality, while regression testing ensures that any changes to the system have only increased performance, not detracted from it or triggered instability.

Usability testing ensures end users are comfortable using the product and that no further improvements are required.

Automated Testing

This critical component of the QA process and QA services save a significant amount of time, resulting in a huge amount of savings for you and your business operations. Test automation is particularly important in situations involving repetitive manual testing and frequent regression cycles.

Our automated testing services include preparing a basic automation test bucket, enhancing the test automation framework to make it more robust, and identify any defects.

Automated testing services can simulate the simultaneous work of a thousand users—providing software testing services that would normally require an extensive and costly testing team.

Performance Testing

Quality, best-in-class software requires speed, scalability, reliability, and stability. Our performance test coverage ensures that your software application performs optimally under its intended workload and that any performance bottlenecks have been eliminated.

High-quality software performance testing ensures that, when the product goes to the market, it maintains the same speed with multiple users and is consistent across different operating systems.

Security Testing

The test management team utilizes their cybersecurity expertise and all the tools at their disposal to be certain that appropriate security measures are in place.

Our dedicated QA team ensures software systems and applications are free from risks or threats and protected against potential intruders.

Our approach, methodologies, and techniques for performing security testing ensure that our customers’ system is free from possible loopholes and weaknesses—this helps minimize the risk of threats.

Whether you need desktop testing, mobile application testing, or website testing, we perform the following: penetration testing, security and vulnerability scanning, and risk assessment.

Mobile Testing

It’s hard to imagine life without a smartphone and the mobile apps that keep us organized and entertained. Mobile devices have altered business processes in ways that few of us could envision only a decade ago. 

By 2022, mobile app downloads are expected to reach 258 billion, a 45% increase in the last 5 years. The average annual consumer spend in app stores is expected to reach $157 billion, a 92% increase in the last five years. Even more remarkable? U.S. consumers spend more time on their smartphones than they do watching TV.

Businesses joining the mobile app revolution require software quality testing by dedicated teams that can detect any roadblocks to quality product outcomes. Mobile testing ensures any potential quality issues and bugs are discovered before a product goes to market. The result is the best possible end-user experience and fewer complications for teams.

We provide testing, tools, and strategies for businesses who utilize mobile applications and responsive websites, delivering consistency, maximum functionality, and optimal usability. 

For businesses that aim to provide an excellent customer experience and efficient remote team workflows, we can run the essential testing needed for mobile applications and responsive websites.

Today’s digital environment demands that IT professionals provide a seamless end user experience, and that’s what our quality assurance testers strive to deliver.

The Benefits of Laminar’s Software Testing Services

Because our software testing services are built from years of experience, you can be guaranteed that the development process will result in the following:

Why Choose Laminar QA Testing Services?

There’s a reason why businesses around the world trust Laminar and our certified QA engineers to test, monitor, and maintain their critical digital systems and products.

Our next-generation testing strategies result in best-in-class products without exceeding development budgets. Comprehensive testing ensures critical issues are detected before going live.

Laminar tests web applications, mobile applications, desktop applications, internet of things (IoT) devices and apps, and the cloud—ensuring product quality every time. If there’s a defect, we’ll find it, whether in the user interface, performance, security, usability, or functionality.

For a complimentary consultation, contact us at Laminar Consulting Service today.

Extend the Utility of Your Legacy Systems

Laminar offers solutions and strategies when you need to modernize critical legacy applications. Reducing your cost to keep these systems running is our mission, enabling you to reallocate capital toward revenue-generating activities.

The development team at Laminar Consulting has the technology stack expertise to tackle your project demands. When you need to bring your business applications up to speed, the seasoned engineers at Laminar can help you select the ideal technical solution for your goals.

Innovation for Existing Applications

Laminar provides mid to large companies with custom, reliable, top-quality application modernization solutions for many industries. As a development company with a proven track record of exceptional work, we have the experience to determine the perfect architecture types to mesh with the needs of your particular legacy applications.

Our team can create integrations for enterprise legacy systems such as SAP R/3, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Siebel, SalesForce, and more.

Revitalizing Legacy Assets to Reduce Technical Burdens

When your organization needs to maximize the returns on innovative business initiatives, it’s critical to optimize your technology solutions. By optimizing your existing systems, you also reduce the burden of support and management. This increases the ability of your organization to invest in new ideas and opportunities that lean on technology.

Laminar takes a comprehensive approach to modernization that relies on four core focuses:


Determine the optimal way to deliver value.


Select the most efficient system.


Enhance the value of the system.


Improve how the system is managed.

Ongoing Optimization and DevOps

We break down the barriers between idea and execution, helping deploy new practices and tools that increase the delivery speed of software solutions.


We measure your organization’s existing capabilities to determine the most efficient method for delivering value through software innovation. This includes comparing current practices, platforms, and tools to the best practices that are proven in your industry.


We construct a reasonable gameplan for incremental improvements to your processes, tool selections, and platforms that will best coincide with your current business environment.


Our team will guide you through the process of implementing the optimizations that will boost your software outcomes while comparing your results with key benchmarks.

Cloud Migration Planning and Execution

Laminar Consulting delivers flexible, scalable, fully-supported cloud migration services that empower organizations to keep innovating in dynamic markets with evolving requirements.

Assessment of Existing Systems

Laminar runs a detailed assessment of your existing systems so we can provide recommendations for migrating to the cloud. Our top priority is minimizing downtime and safeguarding your resources when modernizing to the cloud.

Deployment Roadmap

We deliver a detailed deployment roadmap of how we will modify your applications for safe cloud integration, along with recommending any other changes to keep overall costs to a minimum.

Delivery of Solutions

Laminar developers modify your applications for migration, and then provide the technical plans for your team to later leverage for future migrations.

The web development team at Laminar Consulting designs, develops, and deploys highly cost-effective and reliable development solutions for modernizing your systems. Whatever your goals, our team has your mid to large business covered. At Laminar, we make it easy for your organization to leverage the development services that fit best.

Solutions for the Desktop Environment

Laminar’s experience empowers us to build custom solutions for the desktop environment, including system extensions, addins, and plugins for legacy systems. We create custom desktop solutions for everything from enterprises to rapidly scaling start-ups.

.NET Application Development

When your enterprise needs .NET application development, Laminar Consulting has .NET developers with the technology stack expertise to get the job done right. Whether you need .NET web or desktop application development, the seasoned engineers at Laminar have your organization covered from top to bottom.

.NET Development Services

Laminar provides mid to large companies with custom, reliable, top-quality .NET solutions no matter the industry. As a .NET development company with a proven track record of exceptional work, we have the experience to determine the perfect multitier, microservice, and cloud-based architecture types to ensure your business is getting the most out of a particular application.

Our team can create integrations for enterprise legacy systems such as SAP R/3, Oracle, PeopleSoft, Siebel, SalesForce, and more.

.NET Application Development Services

Laminar Consulting delivers the best .NET software development services, including:

Application Modernization Frequently Asked Questions 

What Is A .Net Framework And How Is It Used?

The .NET Framework is a programming platform that runs on Windows. .NET helps software developers more easily build a variety of digital solutions. Some of the main applications for implementing the .NET Framework include web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps, games, cloud apps, and Internet of Things. 

Where Is .Net Used?

.NET is used to develop powerful desktop, mobile, and web applications. This framework is often chosen for developing complex enterprise-scale projects. Additionally, projects requiring cross-platform compatibility lend themselves well to .NET development methods. Finally, .NET can be used for cloud development, such as systems that utilize AWS, Google, and Azure services.

Is .Net Cross-Platform?

.NET is a cross-platform development framework that can be used for creating everything from websites to servers to console apps for Windows, Linux, and macOS devices.

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